Understand what you need to do to stay healthy over 65 (BPT) – Today’s Boomer generation feels young at heart. They’re living an active lifestyle, they have no intention of slowing down, they’re booming. Many Boomers feel that because they are healthy and taking care of themselves, they are not at risk for potentially serious…
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5 things parents need to know about HPV
5 things parents need to know about HPV (BPT) – Being a parent means looking out for your kids. When they were small it meant making sure they wore a helmet, crossed the street carefully and wore sunscreen. As they get older, the health challenges they face change. As they become adolescents, you can’t always…
Is your child protected from preventable illnesses at school?
Is your child protected from preventable illnesses at school? (BPT) – Fall is an exciting time for kids — seeing old friends, getting to know new classmates, learning new skills and exploring classrooms. But with all this fun and interaction, it’s important to remember one of the best ways to keep your child safe and…
New FDA-approved method of lung cancer detection gives many hope
New FDA-approved method of lung cancer detection gives many hope (BPT) – Each year, more people die of lung cancer than any other form of cancer — more than colon, breast and prostate cancers combined. The American Cancer Society estimates of the 224,000 new cases of lung cancer diagnosed each year, 155,000 will succumb to the disease. Many have heard…
Managing the Unpredictability of Multiple Sclerosis in the Heat
Managing the Unpredictability of Multiple Sclerosis in the Heat (BPT) – Heat and humidity can make anyone feel uncomfortable, but for the 400,000 people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the United States, warmer weather can make life particularly difficult to manage. “When it’s warm and sunny, that’s when I want to spend the most…