Three ways to a sustainably healthy New Year (ARA) – New Year’s Day will spur many people to resolve to follow healthier lifestyles in 2012, but how many will carry through with their pledges? The journey to better health is not as daunting as it may seem. Slight adjustments to your eating, sleeping and exercise…
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Fighting arthritis? Exercise tips for all ability levels
Fighting arthritis? Exercise tips for all ability levels (ARA) – When it comes to fighting arthritis, there’s no arguing with the axiom “move it or lose it.” Movement and physical activity have been proven effective in relieving arthritis pain and, in some cases, delaying the onset of symptoms. But if you’ve been recently diagnosed with…
Keep fitness off your New Year’s resolution list
Keep fitness off your New Year’s resolution list Three tips to avoid starting a fitness program in January (ARA) – You’ve vowed to get fit with the start of each New Year. This year don’t. Why not? First, because resolutions don’t work. Second, because fitness isn’t something you start, it’s something you live. Stop starting….
Have yourself a heartburn-free holiday
Have yourself a heartburn-free holiday (ARA) – For frequent heartburn sufferers, the abundance of rich food and drink at the myriad holiday gatherings between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve can be trouble. Even those who suffer occasional heartburn can find their mild indigestion flares up more during the holidays. Contrary to its name, heartburn, which…
Take control of your arthritis pain
Take control of your arthritis pain Learn how self-management workshops can help (ARA) – Arthritis affects the lives of nearly one in five American adults and limits the lives of countless citizens each year. In fact, arthritis is the most common cause of disability in the United States, and yet only 11 percent of those…