Keeping on top of your child’s asthma care during allergy season (ARA) – For many with seasonal allergies, the start of spring means itchy eyes and a runny nose, but for the almost 25 million Americans suffering with asthma, the season can be much more threatening. In fact, according to a recent survey, Asthma Insights…
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Don’t miss a beat in 2012: Get the facts about fats and heart health
Don’t miss a beat in 2012: Get the facts about fats and heart health (ARA) – With heart disease the leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s time to listen to your heart and get the right kinds of fats into your daily diet. The…
Make over your boring breakfast with these tempting turkey recipes
Make over your boring breakfast with these tempting turkey recipes (ARA) – Are you starting off your day with a bagel and a coffee … again? It’s easy for a breakfast routine to quickly turn into a breakfast rut. People often sacrifice a well-rounded breakfast that helps fuel morning activities and stave off hunger for…
Baby boomers: Don’t forget to care for your eyes as you age
Baby boomers: Don’t forget to care for your eyes as you age (ARA) – The baby boomer generation makes up an estimated 76 million people – roughly one-fourth of the U.S. population. This means that either you or someone you love is part of this aging group. According to Eye on the Boomer, a recent…
Germ hotspots to look out for during cough and cold season
Germ hotspots to look out for during cough and cold season (ARA) – We’re reminded time and again of the good health habits we should practice during the winter germ season – wash your hands, cover your cough and stay home when you’re sick. While you likely know these basics, you might not be aware…