AMD awareness focuses on protecting and enhancing vision (ARA) – While many people take their vision for granted, those with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) certainly do not. AMD Awareness is important because the condition deteriorates central vision, affecting everything from seeing faces clearly to literally having a large “blind spot” in the center of your…
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Unscrambling the myths behind eggs and cholesterol
Unscrambling the myths behind eggs and cholesterol Enjoying an egg a day can be part of a healthy diet (ARA) – When it comes to eggs, dietary cholesterol and heart health, what you think you know may be a bit scrambled. Concerns over dietary cholesterol and its impact on heart disease keeps many people from…
Nationwide diabetes education events create awareness
Nationwide diabetes education events create awareness, promote healthy living (ARA) – Whether you are at risk for, have been recently diagnosed, or are living with diabetes, it is essential to make sure you have the information necessary to manage your disease. It can also be overwhelming caring for someone with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association…
Centenarians can leave a lasting legacy by donating DNA to science
Centenarians can leave a lasting legacy by donating DNA to science (ARA) – Living to 100 years old is a remarkable feat in itself, but now 100 centenarians will have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy that could radically change medical care for generations to come. The X PRIZE Foundation and Medco Health Solutions,…
Fighting the five most common foot woes
Fighting the five most common foot woes (ARA) – From eating better foods to getting an adequate amount of sleep and exercise, we’re a very health-aware society. So why is it that many Americans routinely overlook one of the cornerstones of good health? While nearly 70 percent of Americans say they want to be healthier…