Which of the following is true about routine childhood vaccines?


(BPT) – Now that kids are back in the classroom, it’s important to remember that their brains aren’t the only things that will be put to the test — their immune systems will, too. Parents can make sure children are up to date on all recommended vaccinations to help prevent them from getting vaccine-preventable diseases…

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Well-child visits help you prioritize your child’s physical and mental health

doctor with mom and child

(BPT) – Annual well-child visits are doctor appointments for preventive health services which are essential for ensuring a child’s growth and tracking developmental milestones. The well-child visit is also the time for routine immunizations to prevent diseases like measles, polio, hepatitis B, chickenpox, whooping cough and other serious diseases. “Like vaccines, which prevent physical health…

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Protect your health: Get a flu shot today

person playing guitar

(BPT) – Flu season is here, and adults with certain chronic health conditions, like asthma, heart disease, and diabetes, are at higher risk of serious flu complications, including hospitalization or even death. In fact, during past flu seasons, 9 out of 10 adults hospitalized with flu had at least one underlying health condition. Flu also…

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