Infographic: Face Care for Men Check out the infographic below on face care for men, courtesy of Dove Men+Care.
Infographic: Face Care for Men Check out the infographic below on face care for men, courtesy of Dove Men+Care.
6 tips for a safe and enjoyable summer (BPT) – Summer is all about spending time outdoors – either at home or away. Whether you’re hitting the road or taking a trip to the local park, it’s time for fun in the sun. And when you’re preparing for fun outside, remember that there are safety…
Struggling for breath: Why people with COPD may be putting themselves at unnecessary risk (BPT) – Imagine experiencing shortness of breath, wheezing, and a cough so severe it requires you to visit the emergency room. This is a frightening potential reality for an estimated 24 million Americans with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive…
Parents, prevent heatstroke by never leaving a child alone in a car (BPT) – Warm weather is great for trips to the pool or beach, but not so good for the inside of cars, which can rise to deadly temperatures in a very short period of time. Many people are shocked to learn how hot…